Unplanned content happens for many reasons like:
- Global (usually catastrophic) event.
- Intuitive experimentation.
- Top management requests.
- Social Media peculiar trends.

The effect of the above reasons could yield on different forms of content, among which:
- Types of Unplanned Business Content:
- Nonperiodic business report
- Nonperiodic business newsletter shot
- Case study of a successful pre-delivered project
- Posts on your social media channel
- Blog article on your main blog or published on relevant industry blogs
- Press release on a drastic business change due to any force major event
- Management announcement on the solidity of a national/global catastrophe
Here are three tips to maximize the impact of this unplanned content dissemination:
1. Timing is an accelerator:
- There you went with the impulsive decision to write or prepare this content that was not planned in your editorial calendar or under any thematic business occasion, but that does not mean you have to go unplanned on its dissemination.
- Take a look at your open publication channels that you could be publishing this content on. Identify the highest interaction day of the week and time of the day? Capitalize on that. If you can detect that and if you can wait till that day. If it is not an over the moon trendy topic that can wait a couple of days till your highest interaction or reach the day of the week is here, then you better wait.

2. Dissemination party:
- Publishing of your surprise content should not be strictly on your blog or directly to your social media. Sometimes it helps if you:
- Push a note about it in your team’s communication with their customers or supplier that they are in constant contact with.
- Prepare a non-periodical newsletter shot to your mailing list to announce it and send it.
- Push a notification SMS about it with its online link.
- Mention it in your regular stream of the planned published content.
- Ask your media network and relevant industry platforms to announce it as well.
3. Headline is the key:
- Use strong words in your headline to support your content. Strengthen on the side of the issue that yielded to the generation of this piece of content. Search for the strongest keyword indicating that event and use it your news headline and another indicative word in the subheadline. Use words like a surprise, new, updates…etc
Bonus Tip:
- Context
- Always remember that any piece of content that is published by your brand has to must be directly or indirectly related to your business objectives or your brand values. Indirectly mention that insert a hyperlink to a related issue on your website, similar service, safety standards, or whatever that could be integrated with the unplanned piece of content you are working on.